Nothing ever happened
Nothing ever really existed
Everything seems to turn to dust
It’s all nothing-ness everything-ing
This is all so hauntingly beautiful
It’s soothingly terrifying
How is this possible?
And why is this happening?
There is no answer
There is no knowing
It’s a total and utter mystery
Who is there to know anything?
No-one is here
And no-one was ever here
All of that is this
It has always been just this
Everything goes back to dust
Vanishes into ashes
Dissolves to nothing
And yet it doesn’t
Because it never existed in the first place
Nothing was ever had
Nothing was ever lost
Yet it feels so painful and dreadful… it’s utterly heartbreaking
The loss feels so real
And then it’s like it never happened
Everything appears the same
Yet the solidity isn’t there anymore
It’s all seen through
It’s real and unreal
It’s nothing everything-ing
It’s full-on empty aliveness
Vibrant and stunning
Gone and appearing
This is total and utter non-sense.