Begin where you are

April 20, 2020 …My fuel for growth and transcendence used to come from how much I was suffering. And maybe it’ll continuously be a sea-saw of suffering & growth, suffering & growth. All I know is that the more I practice and learn, the more well-equipped I feel to handle life’s challenges. I’m learning what exactly causes all of my suffering. I’m learning how to be in relationship with my thoughts, feelings and emotions. I’m learning how to view difficult situations…

Spiritual Awakening

April 20, 2020
I’ve been wiggling myself out of a tight, warm cocoon.
A part of me wanted to stay comfortable and in the familiar.
A part of me wants to break free even though I’m bruised.
A part of me enjoys it.
A part of me is exhausted.
I’m faced with myself over and over again.
Am I running away or am I coming home?…


April 19, 2020 …There were waves of tremendous pleasure followed by excruciating pain. Deep down I knew that this kind of instability and imbalance was not true love. The prominent question that kept re-emerging was: What is self-love and do I have it? Here’s what I’ve gathered so far:
Self-love is unapologetic permission to feel exactly how you feel. To accept all of you. To love the process of being and becoming. Self-love is completely being ok with who you are.
Exactly as you are…

To make a proper cup of tea

April 14, 2020
These posts are a reminder of what’s most important in life.
To keep my priorities in check.
To come back to the mundane-magnificence of the moment.
To expand my field of vision.
To keep my eyes open to ultimate reality.
To see beyond concepts.
To love myself and others.
To love others as myself.